Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Two Years Out...

It seems fitting to begin on the anniversary of the beginning of my bout with cancer. Today, dressed in my stylin' hospital gown, waiting for a stranger to crush my remaining boob between plastic torture devises, it hit me - it was August 2010 that I realized something uninvited was inhabiting my body. Thus began my upside down year, the one where I wasn't in control, where friends and family showed me how important they are in my life, the year I spent less in fear than in wonder, surprising myself with curiosity mixed with just a little dread. Well, okay, more than a little dread, but certainly curiosity about the unknown. That was a surprise. Once the diagnosis was in and the wheels set in motion, I just kind of jumped on the carousel and went along for the ride.

At the time I was too much in the moment to write about it. Now I wish I had, but I did use Facebook as my outlet to the world, so as I add to this blog, I will be pulling from those posts, as well as poetry I wrote and emails to my closest support people.

I didn't know what direction this blog would take until sitting there today, waiting to be pressed between two slabs of plastic, I realized the import of this checkup. I'm a high-risk patient, receiving diagnostic, not routine, mammograms for the rest of my life, So there will be some cogitating on what this has been like for me, but lots of other thoughts unrelated to being Cancer Girl.


  1. Congrats on the start of your blog, Pam! I'm excited to be your very first follower too! You are such an inspiration! xx

    1. Thank you! I've read your posts and taken inspiration. Really like the story based on sand. I will link to your blog as soon as I figure out what I'm doing. Welcome, Follower #1!

  2. This is going to be fun, following you along this journey as I have on FB. You are so very articulate and insightful. And don't forget CLEVER! Never forget clever!

    1. If only my weekends could be spent as yours are and if only I could find beautiful cookie jars! In the absence of such inspiration, and seeing as how I don't make jam or pickles, I will try and add colorful thoughts. Will link to yours officially once I figure out how

  3. Three years now for my sweet lady... And now we are off of a new adventure... This time without the cancer drama and surprises...
